It's Time to Replace Your Windows

Residential windows serve a few purposes; they add a decorative touch to your home while they also block out cold and warm weather. Cincinnati temperatures can climb into the 80s and even 90s in the summer and drop below freezing in the winter. Before you try to get by for another few years with your old windows, consider these five signs you should replace your home's windows.

1. Costly energy bills

One sign you should replace your windows is when you notice a rise in your energy bills. Old windows often have drafts that allow some outdoor air to come inside. The windows can also show some signs of damage that allow air to escape. Costly energy bills often relate to the lack of insulation that your windows provide.

2. Faulty windows

Faulty windows are difficult to open. An older Cincinnati home may have several layers of paint added to the trim and frame, which makes opening and closing the window hard. Some of the other signs you have faulty windows that you need to replace include:

  • The locks stop working

  • Your windows swell

  • It's hard or impossible to open the windows

  • The frame is worn down

3. Loud noises

No matter what Cincinnati neighborhood you live in, you might hear some loud noises coming from the outside. Those noises can happen when neighbors throw a party or the kids next door play with their friends. New windows come in multiple designs as well as custom options that provide built-in soundproofing. If you can hear almost every sound coming from the outside, it's time for new residential windows.

4. You see condensation

Modern windows for homes use two panes of glass with argon in the middle. They are more efficient than other types and help cut down on your energy bills. Older windows usually use just one pane of glass. Even if they use two pieces of glass, they lack this type of gas. This results in condensation building up on the glass. Older double-pane windows may have faulty leaks that allow condensation to form in the center, too.

5. Outdated windows

Another sign you should replace your home's windows is when you have old and outdated windows. Not only do they reduce your home's curb appeal, but they can also affect the way you feel when you come home. Old windows may have frames that show signs of wear and tear or frames that show signs of water damage. Cincinnati has many local window installers who can help you get the new windows you want to boost your home's curb appeal. Reach out to Gilkey Window Company or Champion to learn more.

All of these signs tell you that it's time for new residential windows. Find even more tips on shopping for new windows or giving your home the facelift it needs when you follow TheHomeMag on Instagram or Facebook today.


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