Reduce Home Energy Costs

Keeping your home at a comfortable temperature doesn’t have to put a strain on your budget. There are several easy and inexpensive ways you can keep your home comfortable without driving up your utility bills. 

1. Maintain your HVAC system

Regular maintenance of your existing HVAC system has several benefits. A well-maintained system will last longer. Also, with regular maintenance, small problems can be addressed before they cause major damage to your unit. Finally, a well-maintained system will run more efficiently, which will lower your energy costs. 

Companies like Aegis Air offer service and maintenance agreements that handle this task. With this agreement, you get pre-season inspections for both the summer and winter months. As someone with a maintenance agreement, you will receive a 10% discount on any repairs (both parts and labor), as well as priority and emergency service. 

2. Unplug appliances when you aren’t using them

Powering down and unplugging household items, including electronics, that are not in use is an easy way to lower your energy bills. Once they are fully charged, unplug your phone, tablet, or laptop. Even better, use power strips that you can easily switch off when they aren’t needed. 

Everyday appliances, including televisions, toasters, and more, use standby power. Electronics chargers do the same. Getting used to unplugging things when they aren’t in use may be a tough habit to develop, but it will lower your energy usage. 

3. Swap out your lightbulbs

If you are still using incandescent bulbs, now is the time to make the switch. LED lightbulbs use much less energy than incandescent bulbs. This should be a painless switch, as incandescent bulbs are getting harder to find. If you have resisted making the change up until now, keep in mind that LED lights are also safer, as they only generate light, not heat. 

While some people don’t care for the look of LED lightbulbs, it is often because they choose the wrong type of bulb. Select bulbs that are 5,000 Kelvin or below to get a warmer light. Higher Kelvin numbers create the brighter, whiter light that people often associate with LED bulbs. 

4. Check your insulation

Having a contractor come to your home and check for air leaks and ensure you have insulation where it is needed, can cut your energy bill significantly. Many homes are poorly insulated. Even if the insulation is sufficient, there may be air leaks that make your HVAC system work harder than it should. 

5. Replace your windows

Not a choice to make if your windows are relatively new, but if you are curious whether window replacement is worth it, the answer is probably yes. Replacing single-pane windows with double-pane windows will give you the biggest bang for your buck, but even replacing older double-pane windows can significantly cut your energy costs. 

Interested in learning more ways to cut your utility bills? Follow us on Facebook and Instagram.


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