The Best Places to Plant Trees in Your Yard

When it comes to a beautiful home landscape, trees are an easy edition. However, adding trees requires a practical and aesthetic approach to positively impact your yard. 

Unless you or someone you know professionally plants trees like the experts at Valley Tree Feeders that can analyze your yard, you may need advice. Here are some simple yet effective tips to ensure your trees thrive in your yard. 

Consider the distance

As realtors always say, location is key. Many people are unaware that roots need ample space to grow during the planting period. In most cases, you need at least a 15-20-foot clearance around the roots. This helps minimize the chances of them negatively affecting underground utilities and other surrounding infrastructures. 

Having your yard inspected and contacting the nearby power suppliers is important to measure how much space you have if you want optimal planting results. 

Correlate with your climate

Did you know that where you add trees can lower or raise your heating and cooling costs? If you live in a warmer, dry climate, planting trees like the box elder can give you around-the-clock shade that reduces your need for regular use of air conditioning. They’re resistant to various weather changes like flooding and drought, so they’ll continue to thrive in various seasons. A contractor can tell you which planting directions create your ideal temperature conditions within and outside of your home.

Choose your tree types wisely

In addition to lowering your utility bills, knowing which trees to plant is important to their survival. Everything from environmental needs to their lifespan should play a role in your selection. Otherwise, you can cause adverse effects on the newly planted trees and the other plants in your yard. 

For instance, planting the wrong tree can negatively impact the biodiversity of your yard. In some cases, it can expedite the extinction process of various tree species. Thoroughly educate yourself on the trees that thrive in your area. Make sure you also analyze their impact on other trees if you plan on planting more than one type. 

As you know, trees have an environmental and cost-effective value for homeowners. Whether you’re looking to improve the worth of your home for your family or want to boost curb appeal for potential buyers, trees are a simple solution. The key is to find the perfect trees and location to plant them. 

Your best return on investment when planting trees comes from hiring a professional. Not only can they help with the planting process, but they can also assist with necessary maintenance to keep them alive. 

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